Skatur The SF trilogy - Janja Srečkar

Planet Skatur is a sanctuary for various beings from the entire universe. One of the rare humans in her hometown of Nox, Zyna doesn’t know much about herself. Her only friend is a boy called Kairon, one of the rare people in town. The only memory Zyna still has left is of a black-haired boy waving goodbye to them. Since her curiosity, longing to find her home, and growing love for Kairon won’t leave her in peace, she often finds herself in trouble. When Kairon is finally relocated to the other side of the planet, Zyna learns that love between two beings of the same species is strictly forbidden on planet Skatur. She decides to unravel the mysteries of her planet that had been troubling her all her life.

Skatur The SF trilogy - Janja Srečkar

– Price: 1,1 € / 1,21 $ / 0,87£ (available now on Amazon)

– Type of book: e-book

– No. of pages: 256

– Format: PDF, ePUB, AZW3

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